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The English Floor (no french allowed)

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Here are the character templates for the English world and a few tips. Add a new thread for your character and wait to be accepted.

The bin, Finished templates, Identity Cards
2359Raziel, Angel of...
Mar 22 Sep - 14:09
Raziel Voir le dernier message
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London is the capital of that floor. It's a huge city where you can find anything. It's split in two by the Tamise
The buildings, The shopping center, University of London, The underground, The night clubs, The streets, The Cathedral Saint Paul
214Meeting [S]
Sam 8 Aoû - 11:13
Gwen Allenby Voir le dernier message
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The country side

At the south of Hometown, there is the country side with lots of fields and woods. You can found some beautiful and hiden places. There also lots of villages and little towns which only wait for your arrival.
The fields, The villages, The woods
212[S] Down and dow...
Dim 23 Aoû - 11:36
Syn Nightwish Voir le dernier message
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The sea

At the north of the city, there is the sea with a big port for tourist and tankers. There are some island not far away but you often need a boat to go. There are beaches and creeks where you can bath. But be careful ! Sometimes the water is hot but not the other. taste before going into the water.
The port, The beaches, The islands
The English Floor (no french allowed) Empty
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